Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

{Thankfulness} Nov 10

To me, there is such a great sense of satisfaction in working through my To-Do List. Today was a most glorious day, a cool autumn day, complete with intermittent rain showers; simply perfect for cozying myself in the house and quilting the day away, just me, my Jennifer Moon Quilts projects, coffee and reruns of Remington Steele on Hulu! Photos of completed projects will come soon, here is my agenda for next To-Do Day.

Friday, November 9, 2012

{Thankfulness} Nov 9

Tonight I am thankful for the sound of rain showers rustling the oleanders as I drift off tzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, November 8, 2012

{Thankfulness} Nov 7,8

It has been two days since our President was re-elected and the after math still sizzles on heated tempers. I'm disappointed in a few of the outcomes, but what I appreciate is the process. It wasn't too terribly long ago that women couldn't vote and minorities didn't have a say. In my brief travels, I've observed societies that are not so free; free to vote, free to speak, free to choose. I am thankful for America and those whom have gone before to pave the way for my liberties. God bless you America.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

{Thankfulness} Day 3, 4, 5, and 6

I am thankful these days and every other day, for music. Happy, sad, triumphant, reflective, awe inspiring, welcoming; all of it stirs in me and rejuvenates me. This week in particular has been a music marathon, some documented in pictures, Needtobteathe concert, with Matthew Mayfield and Good Old War opening, then worshiping with the City of Grace worship team, and learning songs for an upcoming Scrooge musical. Monday night was a whimsical bluegrass band, The Vespers (courtesy of The Habenaro Collective) who played a backyard concept under a canopy of vines and white lights. Dear Amber Hunter opened for them. Tonight was more Scrooge rehearsal and tomorrow night The Ryan Hunt Band and music workshops, Christmas music instruction, it is in ending and I am so grateful! I wish I had music to share here... Photos only, but check out some of these bands! You'll be thankful you did!

Friday, November 2, 2012

{Thankfulness} Nov 2

Eight years and 2 months. Next to home, in small town South Dakota, it is the longest I've lived in one city. I would never guessed I would have settled in here and now it would take quite a bit to convince me to live anywhere else. Unless I could have a snowbird option, live in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska or Colorado in the summer, quilt and craft in the mountains and come back to the desert for the remainder of the year, you'd have to offer me deal that was out if this world. Now Arizona is home and I'm so thankful. Here I have found a church family to walk through life with, I have grown closer to my sisters and their families, and I've come to know the subtle beauty of a land dotted with cactus and blossoms in unlikely places. The real bonus, I don't have to scrape my windshield tomorrow morning. Have cozy dreams of a sunny tomorrow.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Over the course of my life I have noticed that when you focus on the little blessings it helps you see the bigger ones and a bigger picture. This perspective fuels perseverance, persistence, patience and a host of other "p" words. With Thanksgiving ahead I wanted to take the next few weeks to highlight the things I am thankful for; big and small.

At this moment I am thankful for the thoughts I had when I received this little paper monster. When I look at it, I think of the choice to allow life, people, circumstances to intimidate you or to choose to live life and face everything head on. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is in Deuteronomy "I set before you life and death. Choose life." and it also inspires me for my next orange quilt or handmade gift.

What are something's you are thankful for?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Trying My New Posting Options

One of the challenges I have had in blogging is finding a way to fit it between work, volunteer responsibilities and quilting projects. Now that I'm updating my technology (completely geeked out on Apple ...and no, I'm not going for the mini iPad) I am finding ways to make better use of my lunch and coffee breaks! Watch out, Jennifer Moon Quilts is making headway. You are reading my mobile blog and here are a couple of photos for you. See you at my next coffee break!

Friday, July 13, 2012


There is nothing like a cold snap to make me want to brew a fresh pot of coffee or tea or hot chocolate and cozy up with the sewing machine. I just returned from an 8 day trip to Alaska. It was truly awe inspiring. Each direction I looked provided a stunning new view of glaciers, snow caps, rain showers, sun beams, water falls, harbor fog... It all took my breath away and left me with a chill and a creative jolt. Now it is not the 60 and rainy forecast of Alaska I left behind, but it is flashes of lightening and flash-flood-like rain and 92 degrees for the current Phoenix "chill". But that holds me over from my vacation and makes me want to settle in for some serious crafting. My souvenirs are shown here and I'm excited to show off some creations over the coming weeks.